This week we put the spotlight on Junior Competition Dancer- Lilia Roning. Our Lilia is only 9 years old but she has been dancing since the tender age of 3! It’s amazing to think that this will soon be the beginning of her second year with us at Platinum Dance Studio. We are so proud that she’s been with us from the start! She has grown so much. Our talented Ms. Lilia says her favorite style of dance is Lyrical Hip Hop and this year she is really looking forward to going to competitions to strut her stuff!
Lilia is like any other girl her age – she likes to read and hang out with her friends. She also loves to play cards! We also asked Lilia if there were any special accomplishments she would like to mention and she told us she was very proud of being chosen as Miss Petite Showbiz the previous year!
“Glee” is listed as Lilia’s favorite TV show (we can certainly understand why!) and she enjoys going out to eat at “The Olive Garden” restaurant. Lilia tells us the one word to describe her personality would have to be funny! She likes to laugh and have fun with her friends.
When we asked her what she hoped to learn while at Platinum Dance Studio Lilia replied that she would love to learn how to do aerials. As talented as she is, we know she will accomplish that feat. She also told us the reason she believes our studio is different than others in the area is because of our great teachers! Aww thanks Lilia! We think our studio is great because of students like you! Good luck with the competitions – we know you’ll be sensational!